Thursday 11 March 2010

What its like when young people don't turn up

This week two of my young people did not turn up to their sessions with me. Before doing this course i would have probably been upset and felt like this was a personal attack, however now i know that this is not always the case feel more relaxed though obviously i still question myself - is that a contradiction?

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Children's letters to God

Dear God, Thank You for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy. — Joyce

Dear God, I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset You made on Tuesday. — Margret

Dear God, My brother is a rat. You should give him a tail. Ha ha. — Danny

Dear God, Who draws the lines around countries? — Nan

Dear God, If You watch me in Church Sunday. I'll show You my new shoes. — Mickey D.

Dear God, Please send me a pony. I never asked for anything before, You can look it up. — Bruce


I thought it would be a really good idea to start a blog on my journey to being a Dramatherapist. I could create a space that i could write about my thoughts and feelings but not about my young persons feelings. Or in fact where i am even working at the minute. This is for confidentiality reasons. What i can tell you is that i work with young people who are suffering from trauma.

When i first started my MA I thought it would be similar to my Degree, how wrong you can be! A masters i basically a here are some tools and some books - Do it yourself. I had so much support at my last university that i feel i actually took for granted. Sometimes i feel like this is too hard and i can't do it, but when you have wanted bout something for so long you can't give up quite so easily! I remember at my audition thinking 'Just get up and leave, this is silly. You'll never get in...what have you got to offer people.' Since getting on the course and being on placement i have realised that i actually have a lot to offer people.

My background is performing arts at college and then a degree in Drama and Physical theatre. Before this i spent a year traveling, working on Projects all over the world with under privileged children. After finishing my degree i spent some time on a project in Botswana again working with children but also working with a team who dealt with people who have HIV and AIDS. Through all my own experiences of love, loss, heartache and praise I have become who I am today. Everyone has their own experiences that make them who they are, i believe to be a good therapist you have to open your eyes to all walks of life and reach out a helping hand to anyone who has fallen or who is falling!

My time spent as a trainee dramatherapist I'm sure will be eye opening, will be difficult but mostly will be rewarding.

And that is my first say so on this matter of ?